The optical character recognition, better known as OCR, which allows to extract text contained in pictures that respect certain conditions (like font type, contrast and alignment), is one of the main features that was put on hold in the app due to the lacking of any plugin capable of processing the image on the smartphone itself without relying on external web services.
It is one of the most requested plugins by web developers that use the PhoneGap framework to build smartphone apps.
Based on the open source OCR engine tesseract, it was up till now only available for the iOS platform, but now thanks to the work of Carlo Russo it is now available also for Android!

- Added OCR functionality to scan images and look for text to spell, with plugin provided by Carlo Russo
- Replaced character’s UNICODE number with a description, telling if uppercase or lowercase if it’s a letter, in top-left corner of results screen
- Fixed bug on index screen that would keep the focus on the input field even if touching different parts of the screen
- Updated PhoneGap layer to version 4