Category Archives: PhoneGap

Spell updated with support for greek alphabet

With the release of Spell 1.4.0 today on Google PlayStore I introduced support for spelling characters of the Greek alphabet, widely used in mathematic and scientific notations. The reference guide was as usuale the official Unicode table for Greek characters, within the unicode ranges of u0391-u03a9 for upper case letters, u03b1-u03c9 for lower case letters, u0375-u03ce for accented letters and special characters. For the pronunciation … Continue reading Spell updated with support for greek alphabet

Spell updated to version 1.3.0

The optical character recognition, better known as OCR, which allows to extract text contained in pictures that respect certain conditions (like font type, contrast and alignment), is one of the main features that was put on hold in the app due to the lacking of any plugin capable of processing the image on the smartphone itself without relying on external web … Continue reading Spell updated to version 1.3.0

Spell updated to version 1.2.0

Developing the User Experience of an application really depends, forgive the wordplay, on the experience you have with the application. It’s not uncommon to be lost at some UX decisions after looking at them again after some time, feeling them as a bottleneck instead of a facilitation. Since I am not a sadist, I refactored various UI and … Continue reading Spell updated to version 1.2.0

Spell updated with support for cyrillic characters

To release quickly a first MVP (minimum viable product) of my application, in the first version I have limited the support to the first 255 characters of the Unicode table for several reasons, first of all the fact that it is used by the most common password generators, but also for the very large geographical … Continue reading Spell updated with support for cyrillic characters

Spell updated with Cordova 3.5.1 security fix

It doesn’t happen really often to receive emails from Google, and usually when it happens it’s bad news (like spiders not crawling, terms&conditions updates a la Orwell etc), and also today they met my expectations with this message : This is a notification that your it.simonerescio.spell, is built on a version of Apache Cordova that contains security … Continue reading Spell updated with Cordova 3.5.1 security fix

Android Holo font icons

The aspect that I appreciate the most about developing hybrid apps with PhoneGap in respect to all the different native languages is the possibility to reuse resources, not only knowledges. Developing an Android native app requires a big effort to create and manage the iconographic elements which composes the UI. The most complex aspect is … Continue reading Android Holo font icons

HelloSplash, Phonegap Android SplashScreen

Like for the first encounter between two strangers, a critical aspect for a mobile app when it meets our new users, whether we like to admit it or not, is the first impression. The splash screen is the very first thing our users got to judge our app the very first time they launch it, … Continue reading HelloSplash, Phonegap Android SplashScreen