Tag Archives: user experience

Chrome changes its center of gravity, reference is not the document but the viewport

Each system needs coordinates and references rules, when speaking of two dimensional systems we have for the Cartesian one a source point starting from which the elements grow positively to the right and upwards, if you remove height units you move down. Take for example the famous puzzle game Tetris, as the blocks pile up, when … Continue reading Chrome changes its center of gravity, reference is not the document but the viewport

Fifty shades of browser

Creating an engaging and immersive User Experience does not come just from choices involving the position and role of specific components of an application, whether native or web. Historically Front End developers chase the chimera of customizing the appearance of elements that should be ruled by the operating system, in order to conform to the style of the brand, to … Continue reading Fifty shades of browser

UX for fat fingers, increasing checkbox tappable area

Checkboxes are a fundamental element for web form, they are often needed to allow users to manifest their agreement to terms & conditions of services, making them a mandatory element to allow a registration or a purchase. The HTML <input type=”checkbox”> element belongs to the form family and it has the advantage/disadvantage of being styled and managed differently based on the operative … Continue reading UX for fat fingers, increasing checkbox tappable area

Why WordPress mobile UX is Psyco approved

Anno domini 2014, pocket devices have reached the power level of common personal computers if not superior, but low cost airline companies use the atomic mass as unit of measure  to check the weight of the hand luggage, which means I have to make a choice: the clothes necessary to survive the cold of Sweden (yes, in August) … Continue reading Why WordPress mobile UX is Psyco approved