Tag Archives: programming

Codemotion 2018 @ Rome

The codemotion is back on the scene like every year, this time in Rome for the month of April, and to keep bench rather than new and flaming JavaScript frameworks (😅) are more and more news from the W3C built-in-the-browser that come adopted at an ever-increasing speed by our dear browser makers. https://rome2018.codemotionworld.com/ Part 1 … Continue reading Codemotion 2018 @ Rome

Codemotion 2016 @ Milan

In life one never stop learning, if we consider all the innovations that are coming up in these years for technology, it would take the lives of a cat to follow on everything. In this sense, technology conferences are a good way to explore new trends in the industry thanks to experts that wear the journalist hat, filtering the news … Continue reading Codemotion 2016 @ Milan