Category Archives: CSS

Css related solutions

Absolute but not empty, CSS rendering bug in legacy Android and how to fix

What “Absolute” means Let’s start with a foreword on the main term of the subject, because as many things CSS names can be misleading in many ways. So first thing  doesn’t mean “absolute” in the natural language way, it’s not like an element with this property stops being tied to anything at all, rather we … Continue reading Absolute but not empty, CSS rendering bug in legacy Android and how to fix

#HACKDEV17 project SPID smart button

The web has revolutionized most aspects of our daily life in the private sector, the speed and ease that today’s big platforms provide for exchanging information to send messages and process purchases are proof of how these systems have made great strides in the last 20 years, unfortunately the same cannot be said for the … Continue reading #HACKDEV17 project SPID smart button

Internet Explorer 8 supports partially box-sizing in tables

Not so long ago, in the dark times when browsers did not have native developer tools, and Internet Explorer 6 was dominating the web landscape inflicting pain and sufferings to all of the Front End developers in the world, the fundamental property of CSS that is the box model, the formula that dictates how widths and heights sizes … Continue reading Internet Explorer 8 supports partially box-sizing in tables

CSS table, WebKit, Blink and the missing pixel with width 100%

Old saying: If you never tried to center vertically a text, you know nothing about CSS CSS tables are the main instrument that browsers, since IE8 included and above, make available to perform basic typographical operations such as center a text vertically inside of a container without knowing the height of the container nor the bulk of the text in terms of … Continue reading CSS table, WebKit, Blink and the missing pixel with width 100%

UX for fat fingers, increasing checkbox tappable area

Checkboxes are a fundamental element for web form, they are often needed to allow users to manifest their agreement to terms & conditions of services, making them a mandatory element to allow a registration or a purchase. The HTML <input type=”checkbox”> element belongs to the form family and it has the advantage/disadvantage of being styled and managed differently based on the operative … Continue reading UX for fat fingers, increasing checkbox tappable area

Eight things to care about for a mobile site on Windows Phone 8

Developing for the mobile web so far has been like exploring a small happy island, with some hidden dangers of course due to the high fragmentation of Android, but since the Android and iOS systems got the leading of the mobile market, with their default browsers based of WebKit, we had a moment to breath. … Continue reading Eight things to care about for a mobile site on Windows Phone 8

CSS table, basic structure for a typical mobile app layout

Many years were needed for developers to abandon tables as a mean to construct web pages layouts and switch to more semantically meaningful elements combined with CSS, but the bad side-effect of the awareness campaign for building flexible layouts with style sheets was the complete demonization of HTML tables and the CSS properties that allow to access … Continue reading CSS table, basic structure for a typical mobile app layout

4px ghost space with CSS display inline-block

I know why you’re here, I’ve gone through this as well. Like me you created a container box with dynamic height, 100%, and inside it you want some columns that reside near each other, occupying the same height of their parent, 100% them too. Now assumed that the display attribute block does not accept to … Continue reading 4px ghost space with CSS display inline-block