Tag Archives: alexa

Alexa app slow on iOS or Android? Its your Contacts fault

In 5 taps: For iOS Settings Privacy e sicurezza Contacts Amazon Alexa None Per Android Settings Search for menu “Privacy“ Contacts Amazon Alexa Do not consent Why would Contacts permission degrade speed? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I asked myself the same thing, while searching in frustration for a reason, until I finally stumbled upon this amazing comment on … Continue reading Alexa app slow on iOS or Android? Its your Contacts fault

Your Alexa routine stopped working? It might be due to Announcements

Alexa’s routines, especially those scheduled on an hourly basis or on events such as sunrise and sunset, are very convenient, who doesn’t like them? The evening time arrives, your echo dots with joyful voice announces “Good evening, it’s close to sunset time, turning on the lights!” and the lights come on …? Or at least they … Continue reading Your Alexa routine stopped working? It might be due to Announcements