Alexa app slow on iOS or Android? Its your Contacts fault

In 5 taps:

For iOS

  1. Settings
  2. Privacy e sicurezza
  3. Contacts
  4. Amazon Alexa
  5. None

Per Android

  1. Settings
  2. Search for menu “Privacy
  3. Contacts
  4. Amazon Alexa
  5. Do not consent

Why would Contacts permission degrade speed? 🤷🏻‍♂️

I asked myself the same thing, while searching in frustration for a reason, until I finally stumbled upon this amazing comment on reddit from 2023 by TripleEmcoder, suggesting exactly this remedy of revoking contacts access to the app, and WOW it worked like a charm!

I have started to migrate away from Alexa as the main logic source for my smart device, going into Home Assistant, however I had hoped to be able to use quick voice commands from time to time by setting it as the default voice assistant on Android, but also its pop over UI was being severely degraded by this problem.

We can only speculate that this may be due to an awful memory management on the Alexa App end, which is cross platform due to the nature of the app being a web view, reason why it becomes equally sluggish on bot iOS and Android, so the issue is likely in their JS code.

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