Spell updated with support for greek alphabet

With the release of Spell 1.4.0 today on Google PlayStore I introduced support for spelling characters of the Greek alphabet, widely used in mathematic and scientific notations.

The reference guide was as usuale the official Unicode table for Greek characters, within the unicode ranges of u0391-u03a9 for upper case letters, u03b1-u03c9 for lower case letters, u0375-u03ce for accented letters and special characters.

For the pronunciation of the 24 upper case greek alphabet letters I used the Greek spelling alphabet, adopted by the Greek State, army, navy and police.  For the lower case I referred to the table of most frequent words in relation to each greek letter.


  • Added support for greek alphabet
  • Updated PhoneGap layer to version 6
  • Replaced plugin for Admob ads that caused app crash
  • Several layout improvements, mostly on tablet


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