The most abused number in CSS is 999 as z-index value, if flipped around it’s 666, coincidence?
All posts by Simone Rescio
YOURLS spam clean up with a few lines of JavaScript
YOURLS, which stands for Your Own URL Shortener, is a great open source platform to run a private URL shortener (a la bitly), it allows great control over links structure and traffic monitoring for each short url, plus giving a “brand feeling” to links shared. I like things that work fast and simple, which is why I’ve … Continue reading YOURLS spam clean up with a few lines of JavaScript
Placeholder text is evil, case study : Monster Android app
Spell updated with Cordova 3.5.1 security fix
It doesn’t happen really often to receive emails from Google, and usually when it happens it’s bad news (like spiders not crawling, terms&conditions updates a la Orwell etc), and also today they met my expectations with this message : This is a notification that your it.simonerescio.spell, is built on a version of Apache Cordova that contains security … Continue reading Spell updated with Cordova 3.5.1 security fix
Eight things to care about for a mobile site on Windows Phone 8
Developing for the mobile web so far has been like exploring a small happy island, with some hidden dangers of course due to the high fragmentation of Android, but since the Android and iOS systems got the leading of the mobile market, with their default browsers based of WebKit, we had a moment to breath. … Continue reading Eight things to care about for a mobile site on Windows Phone 8
Why WordPress mobile UX is Psyco approved
Anno domini 2014, pocket devices have reached the power level of common personal computers if not superior, but low cost airline companies use the atomic mass as unit of measure to check the weight of the hand luggage, which means I have to make a choice: the clothes necessary to survive the cold of Sweden (yes, in August) … Continue reading Why WordPress mobile UX is Psyco approved
Self sending hundreds emails to check newsletter in Outlook? Word is faster
It’s hard to find information about HTML emails development workflow, for sure they are not a new trendy thing that attracts developers attention, instead they stopped at a technology standard that predates IE6. But newsletter emails are still nowadays the best direct marketing instrument to retain visitors, so it is valuable to know some hard facts … Continue reading Self sending hundreds emails to check newsletter in Outlook? Word is faster
The Next Challenge of the Web is Us
ForwardJS keynotes of Christian Heilmann (@codepo8) addressing the growing complexity of frontend development technologies and how important it is that we keep the initial barrier low to make the web accessible to new developers and publishers as well. Many new IT users land directly on smartphone with they’re closed apps environments, how can we bring the web to these new users?
Windows XP Bookmarks ★
End of support has come for Windows XP, on 8th of April 2014 Microsoft officially discontinued critical security updates for the platform thus declaring its death, and now that it is gone…it has become vintage! It was the most loved (not much maybe) and hated (a lot) OS worldwide for 12 long years, so paying a memory tribute … Continue reading Windows XP Bookmarks ★
CSS table, basic structure for a typical mobile app layout
Many years were needed for developers to abandon tables as a mean to construct web pages layouts and switch to more semantically meaningful elements combined with CSS, but the bad side-effect of the awareness campaign for building flexible layouts with style sheets was the complete demonization of HTML tables and the CSS properties that allow to access … Continue reading CSS table, basic structure for a typical mobile app layout